Angalie draws inspiration from her Sri Lankan heritage as an intuitive energy practitioner, bodyworker, and womb healer. Her treatments encompass Shamanic practices, Soulnar (sound healing & energy therapy), Reiki II, Womb Awakening, and Womb Hara massage.

This holistic approach of leveraging touch, sound, and energy, coupled with Angalie’s experience with ancient healing practices are know to bring a profound reconnection to body, mind, and spirit in every session.

Angalie’s nurturing touch and treatments that are rooted in ancient traditions provide a safe gateway back to the power within. Once awakened the womb is a source of loving energy that is spiritually, emotionally, and physically transformative.

Kristy’s mission is to help women break free from trauma and unhealthy patterns to awaken to their true potential. She combines breathwork (certified Tetra and Wim Hof), Yoga, Reiki & Somatic healing.

Kristy empowers women to embark on their own healing journeys, cutting the cords of intergenerational trauma with a focus on releasing profound wounds from life experiences, including childhood and past lives, she paves the way for a mental health reboot, bringing is nourishment for the mind, heart and soul.

Who We Are

Our mission is to help you on the transformative journey we've walked ourselves.

We believe in the power of oscillating connections: within yourself, to the grounding embrace of the earth, and towards the expansive spirit that surrounds us all. Our purpose is clear - to empower you to bring abundance into every facet of your life. From unlocking the reservoirs of self-discovery to navigating the delicate dance of receiving, we are here to walk alongside you, offering guidance and support.

In the sacred space of our retreats, we hold room for your personal growth, allowing you the opportunity to embody peace, soak in tranquility, and rediscover the core of who you are.

Angalie Welivita

Kristy Ferrari

Our Story

In the enchanting tapestry of life, Kristy and Angalie's paths converged during a transformative experience at a feminine retreat. As fate would have it, the threads of our lives became interwoven within the sacred teachings of a shared shamanic lineage, all within the nurturing halls of the same shamanic school. Here, our souls kindled a deep connection, merging across the vast expanse of many lifetimes. United by a profound passion and a shared calling to serve humanity, our bond strengthened.

In the poetry of serendipity, we uncovered the beautiful harmony in our offerings, realizing the natural fusion in our journeys. Kristy and Angalie, two spirited individuals, became channels for workshops designed to guide women on an introspective expedition — a homecoming to rediscover the essence of their souls, unfurl the petals of their hearts, and resonate in the symphony of love.

Our story is woven with threads of authenticity, rooted in the belief of collaborating harmoniously with the elements and fostering a deep connection with the land, spirits, and cosmos. As beings pulsating with love, Kristy and Angalie embody the very essence of nurturers and heart led practitioners. As stewards of spiritual growth, our mission is to empower and serve, creating a lasting impact on the collective journey toward self-discovery and profound transformation. Step into the warmly illuminated chapters of our shared narrative, where passion aligns with purpose, and the transformative power of love breathes life into every story.